When: Sunday, August 21 from 1PM-4PM
Where: Project Reach (39 Eldridge Street, 4th Fl)
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Chinatowns all over the country have been under attack by the forces of gentrification and displacement. Chinatown in Manhattan is no different.
How do you want Chinatown/LES to look a few years from now? Rezoning is a tool that sets rules for how neighborhoods look and can preserve affordability or accelerate luxury development depending on who makes the decisions. We want you to get involved this Sunday with our Equitable Rezoning campaign that is heating up this year.
Please join CAAAV at our Rezoning Town Hall where we will discuss what zoning is, how it affects our communitties, and the Chinatown Working Group plan, which is the community- led rezoning plan created by the residents of Chinatown.
A few years ago, CAAAV’s Chinatown Tenants Union joined with other Chinatown/LES stakeholders to create the Chinatown Working Group Rezoning plan. Our plan makes it clear to City Planning what rezoning for and by the community looks like. We now need to ensure Chinatown/LES residents’ are at the decision-making table as the City determines our future.
Join us this Sunday, August 21 at our Town Hall for Chinatown residents to learn about the City’s rezoning policies, our current Chinatown Working Group Rezoning Plan, and how we can ensure that rezoning in Chinatown reflects the needs of those who call Chinatown home.
The Rezoning Town Hall will be held at Project Reach on August 21 from 1-4 PM. Project Reach is located at 39 Eldridge St , 4th floor. Snacks and refreshments will be served. Contact CAAAV at 212-473-6485 or email nhusain@caaav.org if you are interested in attending or volunteering.
Share the facebook event. Interpretation will be provided in Mandarin & Cantonese.
Let’s grow that people power
this Sunday to protect Chinatown!
#savechinatown #heretostay #chinatownNOT4sale
CAAAV Organizing Asian Communities, founded in 1986 as the Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence, is a pan-Asian community-based organization that works the build the power of low-income Asian immigrants and refugees in New York City. CAAAV develops leadership in Asian communities to impact the policies and institutions that affect their lives and to participate in a broader movement for racial and economic justice.
Click on the links below to donate and read more about our work.
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